Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße

Learning canteen

School in timber modular construction, Cologne

The city of Cologne, like many other major German cities, is confronted with an acute shortage of school space. The means of choice is modular prefabricated construction. A compact two-storey building with a simple geometry, restrained façades and an accentuated entrance area is implemented in timber modular construction. The consistent design grid on which the modular construction is based creates clarity and calm. The glazed entrance hall with its staircase that provides both circulation and seating enables communication and gives orientation. Places of community and a spacious canteen are created on the ground floor, and on the upper floor between the classrooms there are meeting and informal learning zones to ensure a diverse working and learning atmosphere. A terrace is cut into the volume as a green classroom for outdoor learning.

Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
Holzmodulschule Nußbaumerstraße
  • Project type

    New construction

  • Purpose


  • Project status

    Completed 2023

  • Procurement

    Public tendering process


  • Awards

    Contract awarded

  • GFA

    1,515 m²

  • Period


  • Project team

    Jana Eder
    Jennifer Reufels
    Thomas Reinke

    Loana Sahihi