Apartments, Greifswald
As a university location, Greifswald has a high demand for student housing. The design of a passive house using timber construction not only took account of the pressure on the housing market, but also made a major contribution to sustainability. A KfW Efficiency House Level 40 providing 112 student flats was built in the courtyard of a former university building. It includes an innovative sun protection and daylight control system and the use of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics and geothermal energy to ensure the building’s high life-cycle quality.

“Bioniq = high IQ per m2 + high lifecycle quality”
The façade was designed with open, vertical timber cladding and clearly reflects the commitment to sustainability. The windows are distributed rhythmically across the façade and, together with the coloured opening casements, give the building an individual character. This has an identity-generating effect for its residents.

Project type
New construction
4,000 m²
Project status
Completed 2021
2011 – 2021
Construction cost
8,316,000 €
Service phases
1 – 4 (HOAI)
Project team
Miriam Goellner
Sandra Schober
Branislav Jesic